No Parking on Ocean Blvd
In cooperation with the mitigation plan put in place by our health officials, the Department of Transportation, Town of Seabrook, Town of North Hampton, and Town of Rye have implemented NO PARKING along Route 1A, Ocean Blvd effective April 10, 2020. These restrictions will stay in place until the New Hampshire beaches fully reopen to visitors. This includes any parking lots or roadside parking spaces along Route 1A, Ocean Blvd. If vehicles are stopped, unoccupied or not, they may be subject to a parking ticket or tow at vehicle owner’s expense. If vehicles park illegally on private property, off of side roads of Route 1A/Ocean Blvd, the vehicle shall be towed at vehicle owner’s expense. If you have any questions, please contact Chief Kevin Walsh at Rye Police Department (603-964-7450).